MillicastSDK 2.2.0
#include <webrtc_remote_track.h>
Instance Methods | |
(MCWebrtcRemoteAudioTrack *_Nullable) | - asAudio |
(MCWebrtcRemoteVideoTrack *_Nullable) | - asVideo |
(void) | - unprojectWithCompletionHandler: |
(void) | - cancelAsyncStreamAdapter [implementation] |
Class Methods | |
(instancetype _Nonnull) | + webrtcRemoteTrackWithNativeTrack: [implementation] |
Properties | |
id< MCWebrtcRemoteTrackDelegate > _Nullable | delegate |
Delegate to receive track related events. | |
MCRemoteTrackKind | kind |
Either an Audio or Video track. | |
NSString *_Nonnull | currentMID |
NSString *_Nonnull | cName |
The cname of the track. Cname represents a grouping for synchronization purposes. | |
The webrtc logical track.
This class represents a remote track which was requested by the application for the purpose of implementing advanced projection schemes (like keeping the RTS media projected when they go inactive, or projecting the same RTS media onto multiple tracks). Once obtained, the track remains valid as long as the viewer is not destroyed.
- (MCWebrtcRemoteAudioTrack *_Nullable) asAudio |
Cast the track to it's true type if it is audio, otherwise, nil will be returned.
- (MCWebrtcRemoteVideoTrack *_Nullable) asVideo |
Cast the track to it's true type if it is video, otherwise, nil will be returned.
implementation |
- (void) unprojectWithCompletionHandler: | (nonnull void(^)(NSError *_Nullable)) | completionHandler |
Unproject this webrtc track. After unprojection, the service no longer streams media to this track.
implementation |
readnonatomicassign |
The cname of the track. Cname represents a grouping for synchronization purposes.
readnonatomicassign |
The current MID of this track.
This is implemented for convenience of simple applications, but its usage is discouraged. The applications requiring to map webrtc stats to specific tracks should maintain a mid:track map, updated based on the mid update events from the tracks. Such an implementation would allow for most efficient mapping of the stats back to the tracks.
readwriteatomicweak |
Delegate to receive track related events.
readnonatomicassign |
Either an Audio or Video track.