import <MillicastSDK/client.h>
import <MillicastSDK/exports.h>
import <MillicastSDK/remote_track.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
void NSError *_Nullable completionHandler NS_SWIFT_NAME |
( |
addWebrtcRemoteTrack(kind:cname:completionHandler:) | | ) |
◆ addWebrtcRemoteTrackWithKind
void addWebrtcRemoteTrackWithKind |
Create a webrtc remote track that can be used for advanced projection use cases
- Parameters:
- kind: The kind of the track, either audio or video.
- cname: RTCP CNAME. Allows to play different tracks with the same cname in a synchronized manner.
- completionHandler: Invoked when the asynchronous operation completes, with a newly created webrtc remote track.
◆ audioTracksWithCompletionHandler
void audioTracksWithCompletionHandler |
List all available rts remote audio tracks received so far.
- Parameters:
- completionHandler: Invoked when the asynchronous operation completes, with a list of remote audio tracks.
◆ completionHandler
void NSError *_Nullable completionHandler |
◆ getCredentialsWithCompletionHandler
void getCredentialsWithCompletionHandler |
Get the current viewer's credentials.
- Parameters:
- completionHandler Handler invoked when the result is ready.
◆ isSubscribedWithCompletionHandler
void isSubscribedWithCompletionHandler |
Checks whether the subscriber is currently subscribing to any media.
- Parameters:
- completionHandler: Handler invoked when the result is ready.
◆ setCredentials
Sets the credentials, providing authentication information required for connecting to the streaming platform.
- Parameters:
- credentials: The credentials.
- completionHandler: Handler invoked when the result is ready.
◆ subscribeWithCompletionHandler
void subscribeWithCompletionHandler |
◆ subscribeWithOptions
void subscribeWithOptions |
Subscribes to a stream with options.
- Parameters:
- opts: Options to be applied for subscribing. Only valid subscriber options in MCClientOptions will be used; others will be ignored.
- completionHandler: Handler invoked when the result is ready.
◆ unsubscribeWithCompletionHandler
void unsubscribeWithCompletionHandler |
Stops the subscription process indicating to the streaming server that the subscriber is no longer interested in receiving audio and video content. After calling this method, the SDK automatically terminates the connection between the subscriber and the streaming platform.
- Parameters:
- completionHandler: Handler invoked when the result is ready.
◆ videoTracksWithCompletionHandler
void videoTracksWithCompletionHandler |
List all available rts remote video tracks received so far.
- Parameters:
- completionHandler: Invoked when the asynchronous operation completes, with a list of remote video tracks.
◆ webrtcAudioTracksWithCompletionHandler
void webrtcAudioTracksWithCompletionHandler |
List all available webrtc remote audio tracks created so far.
- Parameters:
- completionHandler: Invoked when the asynchronous operation completes, with a list of webrtc remote audio tracks.
◆ webrtcVideoTracksWithCompletionHandler
void webrtcVideoTracksWithCompletionHandler |
List all available webrtc remote video tracks created so far.
- Parameters:
- completionHandler: Invoked when the asynchronous operation completes, with a list of webrtc remote video tracks.