MillicastSDK 2.3.0
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<MCPublisherDelegate> Protocol Reference

Detailed Description

This delegate acts as a listener for the Publisher class. You must implement this protocol and set a delegate. to receive events from the publisher.

Initialize the publisher with a delegate via MCPublisher/initWithDelegate: MILLICAST_API @optional / Called when the first viewer is viewing the stream. / - Parameters: / - publisher: The Millicast publisher.

  • (void) publisherDidReceiveFirstViewerActive: (nonnull MCPublisher*) publisher;

@optional / Called when the last viewer stops viewing the stream. / - Parameters: / - publisher: The Millicast publisher.

  • (void) publisherDidReceiveLastViewerInactive: (nonnull MCPublisher*) publisher; @end

/ The Credentials interface represents the credentials required for / connecting the publisher to the streaming platform and publishing a stream. / Refer to the streaming dashboard for this information. MILLICAST_API

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