import EventEmitter from 'events'
import TransactionManager from 'transaction-manager'
import Logger from './Logger'
import SdpParser from './utils/SdpParser'
import { VideoCodec } from './utils/Codecs'
import PeerConnection from './PeerConnection'
import Diagnostics from './utils/Diagnostics'
const logger = Logger.get('Signaling')
export const signalingEvents = {
connectionSuccess: 'wsConnectionSuccess',
connectionError: 'wsConnectionError',
connectionClose: 'wsConnectionClose',
broadcastEvent: 'broadcastEvent'
* @typedef {Object} LayerInfo
* @property {String} encodingId - rid value of the simulcast encoding of the track (default: automatic selection)
* @property {Number} spatialLayerId - The spatial layer id to send to the outgoing stream (default: max layer available)
* @property {Number} temporalLayerId - The temporaral layer id to send to the outgoing stream (default: max layer available)
* @property {Number} maxSpatialLayerId - Max spatial layer id (default: unlimited)
* @property {Number} maxTemporalLayerId - Max temporal layer id (default: unlimited)
* @typedef {Object} SignalingSubscribeOptions
* @property {String} vad - Enable VAD multiplexing for secondary sources.
* @property {String} pinnedSourceId - Id of the main source that will be received by the default MediaStream.
* @property {Array<String>} excludedSourceIds - Do not receive media from the these source ids.
* @property {Array<String>} events - Override which events will be delivered by the server ("active" | "inactive" | "vad" | "layers" | "updated").
* @property {LayerInfo} layer - Select the simulcast encoding layer and svc layers for the main video track, leave empty for automatic layer selection based on bandwidth estimation.
* @typedef {Object} SignalingPublishOptions
* @property {VideoCodec} [codec="h264"] - Codec for publish stream.
* @property {Boolean} [record] - Enable stream recording. If record is not provided, use default Token configuration. **Only available in Tokens with recording enabled.**
* @property {String} [sourceId] - Source unique id. **Only available in Tokens with multisource enabled.***
* @property {Array<String>} events - Override which events will be delivered by the server ("active" | "inactive").
* @class Signaling
* @extends EventEmitter
* @classdesc Starts WebSocket connection and manages the messages between peers.
* @example const millicastSignaling = new Signaling(options)
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options - General signaling options.
* @param {String} options.streamName - Millicast stream name to get subscribed.
* @param {String} options.url - WebSocket URL to signal Millicast server and establish a WebRTC connection.
export default class Signaling extends EventEmitter {
constructor (options = {
streamName: null,
url: 'ws://localhost:8080/'
) {
this.streamName = options.streamName
this.wsUrl = options.url
this.webSocket = null
this.transactionManager = null
this.serverId = null
this.clusterId = null
this.streamViewId = null
* Starts a WebSocket connection with signaling server.
* @example const response = await millicastSignaling.connect()
* @returns {Promise<WebSocket>} Promise object which represents the [WebSocket object]{@link} of the establshed connection.
* @fires Signaling#wsConnectionSuccess
* @fires Signaling#wsConnectionError
* @fires Signaling#wsConnectionClose
* @fires Signaling#broadcastEvent
async connect () {'Connecting to Signaling Server')
if (this.transactionManager && this.webSocket?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {'Connected to server: ', this.webSocket.url)
logger.debug('WebSocket value: ', {
url: this.webSocket.url,
protocol: this.webSocket.protocol,
readyState: this.webSocket.readyState,
binaryType: this.webSocket.binaryType,
extensions: this.webSocket.extensions
* WebSocket connection was successfully established with signaling server.
* @event Signaling#wsConnectionSuccess
* @type {Object}
* @property {WebSocket} ws - WebSocket object which represents active connection.
* @property {TransactionManager} tm - [TransactionManager]( object that simplify WebSocket commands.
this.emit(signalingEvents.connectionSuccess, { ws: this.webSocket, tm: this.transactionManager })
return this.webSocket
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.webSocket = new WebSocket(this.wsUrl)
this.transactionManager = new TransactionManager(this.webSocket)
this.webSocket.onopen = () => {'WebSocket opened')
this.transactionManager.on('event', (evt) => {
* Passthrough of available Millicast broadcast events.
* Active - Fires when the live stream is, or has started broadcasting.
* Inactive - Fires when the stream has stopped broadcasting, but is still available.
* Stopped - Fires when the stream has stopped for a given reason.
* Vad - Fires when using multiplexed tracks for audio.
* Layers - Fires when there is an update of the state of the layers in a stream (when broadcasting with simulcast).
* Migrate - Fires when the server is having problems, is shutting down or when viewers need to move for load balancing purposes.
* Viewercount - Fires when the viewer count changes.
* Updated - when an active stream's tracks are updated
* More information here: {@link}
* @event Signaling#broadcastEvent
* @type {Object}
* @property {String} type - In this case the type of this message is "event".
* @property {("active" | "inactive" | "stopped" | "vad" | "layers" | "migrate" | "viewercount" | "updated")} name - Event name.
* @property {Object} data - Custom event data.
this.emit(signalingEvents.broadcastEvent, evt)
})'Connected to server: ', this.webSocket.url)
logger.debug('WebSocket value: ', {
url: this.webSocket.url,
protocol: this.webSocket.protocol,
readyState: this.webSocket.readyState,
binaryType: this.webSocket.binaryType,
extensions: this.webSocket.extensions
this.emit(signalingEvents.connectionSuccess, { ws: this.webSocket, tm: this.transactionManager })
this.webSocket.onerror = () => {
logger.error('WebSocket not connected: ', this.webSocket.url)
* WebSocket connection failed with signaling server.
* Returns url of WebSocket
* @event Signaling#wsConnectionError
* @type {String}
this.emit(signalingEvents.connectionError, this.webSocket.url)
this.webSocket.onclose = () => {
this.webSocket = null
this.transactionManager = null'Connection closed with Signaling Server.')
* WebSocket connection with signaling server was successfully closed.
* @event Signaling#wsConnectionClose
* Close WebSocket connection with Millicast server.
* @example millicastSignaling.close()
close () {'Closing connection with Signaling Server.')
* Establish WebRTC connection with Millicast Server as Subscriber role.
* @param {String} sdp - The SDP information created by your offer.
* @param {SignalingSubscribeOptions} options - Signaling Subscribe Options.
* @example const response = await millicastSignaling.subscribe(sdp)
* @return {Promise<String>} Promise object which represents the SDP command response.
async subscribe (sdp, options, pinnedSourceId = null, excludedSourceIds = null) {'Starting subscription to streamName: ', this.streamName)
logger.debug('Subcription local description: ', sdp)
const optionsParsed = getSubscribeOptions(options, pinnedSourceId, excludedSourceIds)
// Signaling server only recognizes 'AV1' and not 'AV1X'
sdp = SdpParser.adaptCodecName(sdp, 'AV1X', VideoCodec.AV1)
// default events
const events = ['active', 'inactive', 'layers', 'viewercount', 'vad', 'updated', 'migrate', 'stopped']
const data = { sdp, streamId: this.streamName, pinnedSourceId: optionsParsed.pinnedSourceId, excludedSourceIds: optionsParsed.excludedSourceIds, events }
if (optionsParsed.vad) { data.vad = true }
if (Array.isArray( { = }
if (optionsParsed.forcePlayoutDelay) { data.forcePlayoutDelay = optionsParsed.forcePlayoutDelay }
if (optionsParsed.layer) { data.layer = optionsParsed.layer }
try {
if (optionsParsed.disableVideo && optionsParsed.disableAudio) {
throw new Error('Not attempting to connect as video and audio are disabled')
await this.connect()'Sending view command')
const result = await this.transactionManager.cmd('view', data)
// Check if browser supports AV1X
const AV1X = RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities?.('video')?.codecs?.find?.(codec => codec.mimeType === 'video/AV1X')
// Signaling server returns 'AV1'. If browser supports AV1X, we change it to AV1X
result.sdp = AV1X ? SdpParser.adaptCodecName(result.sdp, VideoCodec.AV1, 'AV1X') : result.sdp'Command sent, subscriberId: ', result.subscriberId)
logger.debug('Command result: ', result)
this.serverId = result.subscriberId
this.clusterId = result.clusterId
this.streamViewId = result.streamViewId
// Save for diagnostics
return result.sdp
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error sending view command, error: ', e)
throw e
* Establish WebRTC connection with Millicast Server as Publisher role.
* @param {String} sdp - The SDP information created by your offer.
* @param {SignalingPublishOptions} options - Signaling Publish Options.
* @example const response = await millicastSignaling.publish(sdp, {codec: 'h264'})
* @return {Promise<String>} Promise object which represents the SDP command response.
async publish (sdp, options, record = null, sourceId = null) {
const optionsParsed = getPublishOptions(options, record, sourceId)`Starting publishing to streamName: ${this.streamName}, codec: ${optionsParsed.codec}`)
logger.debug('Publishing local description: ', sdp)
const supportedVideoCodecs = PeerConnection.getCapabilities?.('video')?.codecs?.map(cdc => cdc.codec) ?? []
const videoCodecs = Object.values(VideoCodec)
if (videoCodecs.indexOf(optionsParsed.codec) === -1) {
logger.error(`Invalid codec ${optionsParsed.codec}. Possible values are: `, videoCodecs)
throw new Error(`Invalid codec ${optionsParsed.codec}. Possible values are: ${videoCodecs}`)
if (supportedVideoCodecs.length > 0 && supportedVideoCodecs.indexOf(optionsParsed.codec) === -1) {
logger.error(`Unsupported codec ${optionsParsed.codec}. Possible values are: `, supportedVideoCodecs)
throw new Error(`Unsupported codec ${optionsParsed.codec}. Possible values are: ${supportedVideoCodecs}`)
// Signaling server only recognizes 'AV1' and not 'AV1X'
if (optionsParsed.codec === VideoCodec.AV1) {
sdp = SdpParser.adaptCodecName(sdp, 'AV1X', VideoCodec.AV1)
const data = {
name: this.streamName,
codec: optionsParsed.codec,
sourceId: optionsParsed.sourceId
if (optionsParsed.priority) {
if (
Number.isInteger(optionsParsed.priority) &&
optionsParsed.priority >= -2147483648 &&
optionsParsed.priority <= 2147483647
) {
data.priority = optionsParsed.priority
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid value for priority option. It should be a decimal integer between the range [-2^31, +2^31 - 1]')
if (optionsParsed.record !== null) {
data.record = optionsParsed.record
if (Array.isArray( { =
try {
if (optionsParsed.disableVideo && optionsParsed.disableAudio) {
throw new Error('Not attempting to connect as video and audio are disabled')
await this.connect()'Sending publish command')
const result = await this.transactionManager.cmd('publish', data)
if (optionsParsed.codec === VideoCodec.AV1) {
// If browser supports AV1X, we change from AV1 to AV1X
const AV1X = RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities?.('video')?.codecs?.find?.(codec => codec.mimeType === 'video/AV1X')
result.sdp = AV1X ? SdpParser.adaptCodecName(result.sdp, VideoCodec.AV1, 'AV1X') : result.sdp
}'Command sent, publisherId: ', result.publisherId)
logger.debug('Command result: ', result)
this.serverId = result.publisherId
this.clusterId = result.clusterId
// Save for diagnostics
return result.sdp
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Error sending publish command, error: ', e)
throw e
* Send command to the server.
* @param {String} cmd - Command name.
* @param {Object} [data] - Command parameters.
* @return {Promise<Object>} Promise object which represents the command response.
async cmd (cmd, data) {`Sending cmd: ${cmd}`)
return this.transactionManager.cmd(cmd, data)
const getSubscribeOptions = (options, legacyPinnedSourceId, legacyExcludedSourceIds) => {
let parsedOptions = (typeof options === 'object') ? options : {}
if (Object.keys(parsedOptions).length === 0) {
parsedOptions = {
vad: options,
pinnedSourceId: legacyPinnedSourceId,
excludedSourceIds: legacyExcludedSourceIds
return parsedOptions
const getPublishOptions = (options, legacyRecord, legacySourceId) => {
let parsedOptions = (typeof options === 'object') ? options : {}
if (Object.keys(parsedOptions).length === 0) {
const defaultCodec = VideoCodec.H264
parsedOptions = {
codec: options ?? defaultCodec,
record: legacyRecord,
sourceId: legacySourceId
return parsedOptions