
class CustomVideoSource : ICustomSource<VideoTrack, VideoFrame>

The CustomVideoSource class serves as a customizable source for capturing and providing video data. The class is useful for filter application such as AI video filters or video view injection.


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open override val isCapturing: Boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether the CustomSource instance is actively capturing video data. This allows the application to check the current state of the capturing process.


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open override fun onFrame(frame: VideoFrame)

Injects a video frame which content depends on the developer. For performance reasons, prefer recycling the VideoFrame to make sure not too many allocations are performed over time

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open override fun startCapture(): VideoTrack

Defines and creates a new video track to send it to a Publisher's addTrack().

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open override fun stopCapture()

Stops the underlying video tracks and informs the SDK to stop any pending operations related to this custom source.