MillicastSDK 2.2.0
No Matches
MCVideoSource Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

instancetype initWithCppSource: (millicast::VideoSource::Ptr videoSource)


NSArray< MCVideoCapabilities * > * capabilities

Detailed Description

/ The current set of capabilities configured for the video source. / - Returns: An array of video capabilities of the video device.

  • (NSArray<MCVideoCapabilities*>*) getCapabilities;

/ Enable a specific video capability on the video source. / - Parameters: / - cap: The video capability.

  • (void) setCapability:(MCVideoCapabilities*) cap;

/ Change the underlying video source. For example in the case of a Camera, switch / between front/rear camera. / - Parameters: / - ascending: The direction in which to switch the sources.

  • (void) changeVideoSource: (bool) ascending;

/ Changes the current video source to a new source based on the provided device ID, for example / if there is an external camera connected and a device ID is known. / - Parameters: / - ascending: The direction in which to switch the sources. / - deviceId: The device ID.

  • (void) changeVideoSource: (bool) ascending : (NSString*) deviceId;


/ Responsible for building a video source object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initWithCppSource:()

instancetype MCVideoSource()::initWithCppSource: ( millicast::VideoSource::Ptr videoSource)

Property Documentation

◆ capabilities

NSArray<MCVideoCapabilities*>* MCVideoSource()::capabilities

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