subscribe method Null safety

Future<String> subscribe(
  1. String sdp,
  2. {Map<String, dynamic>? options}

Establish WebRTC connection with Millicast Server as Subscriber role.

sdp - The SDP information created by your offer. options - Signaling Subscribe Options. Returns Future object which represents the SDP command response.

var response = await millicastSignaling.subscribe(sdp)


Future<String> subscribe(String sdp, {Map<String, dynamic>? options}) async {
  _logger.i('Starting subscription to streamName: $streamName');
  _logger.d('Subscription local description: $sdp');
  String? sdpString =
      SdpParser.adaptCodecName(sdp, 'AV1X', videoCodec['AV1']!);
  Map<String, dynamic> data = {
    'sdp': sdpString,
    'streamId': streamName,
    'pinnedSourceId': options?['pinnedSourceId'],
    'excludedSourceIds': options?['excludedSourceIds']
  if (options != null) {
    if (options['vad'] != null) {
      data['vad'] = true;
    if (options['events'] != null) {
      data['events'] = options['events'];
  try {
    await connect();
    _logger.i('Sending view command');
    var result = await transactionManager?.cmd('view', data);
    return result['data']['sdp'];
  } catch (e) {
    _logger.e('Error sending view command, error: $e');
    throw Exception(e);