connect method Null safety

  1. @override
dynamic connect(
  1. {Map<String, dynamic> options = _connectOptions}

Connects to an active stream as subscriber.

Object options - General subscriber options. options'dtx' = false - True to modify SDP for supporting dtx in opus. Otherwise False. options'absCaptureTime' = false - True to modify SDP for supporting absolute capture time header extension. Otherwise False. options'disableVideo' = false - Disable the opportunity to receive video stream. options'disableAudio' = false - Disable the opportunity to receive audio stream. options'multiplexedAudioTracks' - Number of audio tracks to recieve VAD multiplexed audio for secondary sources. options'pinnedSourceId' - Id of the main source that will be received by the default MediaStream. options'excludedSourceIds' - Do not receive media from the these source ids. options'events' - Override which events will be delivered by the server (any of "active" | "inactive" | "vad" | "layers").* options'peerConfig' - Options to configure the new RTCPeerConnection. options'layer' - Select the simulcast encoding layer and svc layers for the main video track, leave empty for automatic layer selection based on bandwidth estimation. Returns Future object which resolves when the connection was successfully established.


import 'package:flutter_webrtc/flutter_webrtc.dart';
import 'package:millicast_flutter_sdk/millicast_flutter_sdk.dart';

  ///Setting subscriber options
DirectorSubscriberOptions directorSubscriberOptions =
       streamAccountId: Constants.accountId,
        streamName: Constants.streamName);
/// Define callback for generate new token
tokenGenerator() => Director.getSubscriber(directorSubscriberOptions);
/// Create a new instance
View view = View(
    streamName: Constants.streamName,
    tokenGenerator: tokenGenerator,
    mediaElement: localRenderer);

//Set track event handler to receive streams from Publisher.
   view.webRTCPeer.on('track', this, (ev, context) {
      _localRenderer.srcObject = ev.eventData as MediaStream?;
/// Start connection to publisher
try {
  await view.connect();
} catch (e) {


/// /// Define callback for generate new token
/// tokenGenerator() => Director.getSubscriber(directorSubscriberOptions);

/// /// Create a new instance
/// View view = View(
///     streamName: Constants.streamName,
///     tokenGenerator: tokenGenerator,
///     mediaElement: localRenderer);
/// //Set track event handler to receive streams from Publisher.
///    view.webRTCPeer.on('track', this, (ev, context) {
///       _localRenderer.srcObject = ev.eventData as MediaStream?;
// /  });

/// /// Start connection to publisher
/// try {
///   await view.connect();
/// } catch (e) {
///   rethrow;
/// }
connect({Map<String, dynamic> options = _connectOptions}) async {
  this.options = {..._connectOptions, ...options, 'setSDPToPeer': false};
  await initConnection({'migrate': false});