MillicastSDK 2.2.0
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cmillicast::AudioControlThe AudioControl class
 Cmillicast::AudioFrameThe AudioFrame struct used to described audio data
 Cmillicast::AudioRendererThe AudioRenderer class is responsible for rendering audio in a specific way in your application
 Cmillicast::BitrateSettingsAllows setting the desired minimum and/or maximum bitrates when publishing a stream. You can also use disable_bwe to disable the internal bandwidth estimation and utilise the maximum bitrate provided as the sending bitrate
 Cmillicast::ClientConnectionOptionsConnection related options
 Cmillicast::ClientJsonDataAuthentication data returned by the director api in order to open a websocket connection
 Cmillicast::ClientOptionThe ClientOption struct allows to setup the millicast connection
 Cmillicast::ViewerOption::ForcePlayoutDelayStructure describing playout delay to be enforced on the client. Setting both of these values to 0,0 will ensure that there is no playout delay added
 Cmillicast::Client::HttpConnectionErrorThe Http Connection Error event is emitted when there is a problem connecting to the millicast backend
 Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack::Layers::LayerThe layer data is used to select a simulcast/svc layer. by sending a command to the server using the select or project method
 C<MCCMSampleBufferVideoRendererDelegate>Delegate for receiving raw video CMSampleBufferRef ready for rendering
 CMCVideoFrame< NSObject >
 Cmillicast::MediaUsed to manage media sources
 Cmillicast::Client::PeerConnectionStateThis event describes the current state of the Peer Connection
 Cmillicast::Promise< T >
 Cmillicast::detail::PromiseImpl< T >
 Cmillicast::detail::PromiseResultCbType< T >
 Cmillicast::detail::PromiseResultCbType< void >
 Cmillicast::PublisherCredentialsThe Credentials struct represent the credentials need to be able to connect and publish to a Millicast stream
 Cmillicast::RendererThe Renderer base class. A renderer is used to render video on screen or render audio
 Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack::Layers::ResolutionRepresents resolution of a video frame
 Cmillicast::RtsTrackStatsTrack level RTS statistics. Combines information from different areas to provide a complete picture about the health of the track
 Cmillicast::RtsViewerStatsViewer level RTS statistics. Combines information from different areas to provide useful information to debug viewer performance
 Cmillicast::SeiMessageA common interface class that can be used as a container for Sei Messages
 Cmillicast::Client::SignalingErrorThe Signaling Error event is emitted when a message attempted to be sent on the signaling channel is rejected
 Cmillicast::SourceThe Source base class
 Cmillicast::Span< T >
 Cmillicast::Client::StatsEventThe Stats Event that is emitted by the SDK containing the stats report. The stats provide insight into the incoming/audio media and rtp data
 Cmillicast::StreamPublishDetailsGeneral information about the current publishing session session
 Cmillicast::Viewer::StreamStoppedThe Stream Stopped event is emitted when the viewer has requested to disconnect from the media server via the "unview" command
 Cmillicast::StreamViewDetailsGeneral information about the current viewing session
 Cmillicast::SeiPicTiming::TimeCodeStruture describing the time code passed in SeiMessage
 Cmillicast::TrackRepresent a media sources
 Cmillicast::TrackInfoUseful informations about the available tracks in the media server. These informations are received in the active event of the Viewer
 Cmillicast::VideoCapabilitiesThe VideoCapabilities struct
 Cmillicast::VideoFrameUsed to described a VideoFrame
 Cmillicast::Client::ViewerCountThe Viewer Count event emitted by the SDK when the number of viewers for a stream changes
 Cmillicast::ViewerCredentialsThe ViewerCredentials struct represent the credentials need to be able to connect and subscribe to a Millicast stream
 Cmillicast::Client::WebsocketStateThis event describes the current state of the websocket