Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack::Active | |
►Cmillicast::AudioControl | The AudioControl class |
Cmillicast::AudioPlayback | The AudioPlayback class |
Cmillicast::AudioSource | The AudioSource class |
Cmillicast::AudioFrame | The AudioFrame struct used to described audio data |
►Cmillicast::AudioRenderer | The AudioRenderer class is responsible for rendering audio in a specific way in your application |
CPrivateAudioRenderer | Responsible for handling and rendering audio data in a private manner |
Cmillicast::BitrateSettings | Allows setting the desired minimum and/or maximum bitrates when publishing a stream. You can also use disable_bwe to disable the internal bandwidth estimation and utilise the maximum bitrate provided as the sending bitrate |
►Cmillicast::ClientBase | |
►Cmillicast::Client | The Client base class |
Cmillicast::Publisher | The Publisher class. Its purpose is to publish media to a Millicast stream |
Cmillicast::Viewer | The Viewer class. Its purpose is to receive media by subscribing to a millicast stream. The stream must already exists and someone must publish media |
Cmillicast::ClientConnectionOptions | Connection related options |
Cmillicast::ClientJsonData | Authentication data returned by the director api in order to open a websocket connection |
►Cmillicast::ClientOption | The ClientOption struct allows to setup the millicast connection |
Cmillicast::PublisherOption | Option specific to the publisher |
Cmillicast::ViewerOption | |
Cmillicast::StatsReport::const_iterator | |
Cmillicast::WebrtcRemoteTrack::Disabled | |
►Cmillicast::EncodedFrame | |
Cmillicast::EncodedAudioFrame | |
Cmillicast::EncodedVideoFrame | |
►Cstd::error_category | |
►Cmillicast::ErrorCategoryBase< AsyncOperationCancelled > | |
Cmillicast::AsyncOperationCancelled | Error category for errors triggered when the operation failed because it was abandoned for various reasons |
►Cmillicast::ErrorCategoryBase< GenericError > | |
Cmillicast::GenericError | Error category for other errors |
►Cmillicast::ErrorCategoryBase< HttpError > | |
Cmillicast::HttpError | |
Cmillicast::ErrorCategoryBase< T > | Helper for defining error categories in the Millicast SDK |
►Cstd::error_condition | |
Cmillicast::Error | The errors reported by the Millicast SDK |
Cmillicast::EventConnection | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Cmillicast::detail::is_container_element_type_compatible< T, E, typename > | |
Cmillicast::Publisher::FirstViewerActive | |
Cmillicast::ViewerOption::ForcePlayoutDelay | Structure describing playout delay to be enforced on the client. Setting both of these values to 0,0 will ensure that there is no playout delay added |
Cmillicast::FrameMetadata | |
Cmillicast::Client::HttpConnectionError | The Http Connection Error event is emitted when there is a problem connecting to the millicast backend |
Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack::Inactive | |
Cmillicast::Publisher::LastViewerInactive | |
Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack::Layers::Layer | The layer data is used to select a simulcast/svc layer. by sending a command to the server using the select or project method |
Cmillicast::RtsRemoteVideoTrack::Layer | |
Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack::Layers | |
Cmillicast::Logger | |
►C<MCClient> | The Client base that contains common methods between MCPublisher and MCSubscriber |
CMCPublisher | The Publisher interface is responsible for publishing media to a Millicast stream |
CMCSubscriber | The Subscriber class manages the subscription to audio and video tracks from the Millicast platform |
C<MCCMSampleBufferVideoRendererDelegate> | Delegate for receiving raw video CMSampleBufferRef ready for rendering |
►C<MCSourceBuilderNSObject> | |
►C<MCAudioControl> | Manages audio settings |
CMCAudioPlayback | |
CMCAudioSource | Manages the audio capture functionality |
Cmillicast::Media | Used to manage media sources |
Cmillicast::WebrtcRemoteTrack::MidUpdated | |
CNSError(SDKFactoryMethods_private) | |
►CNSObject | |
CMCAcceleratedVideoRenderer | |
CMCAppShareSource | Uses Replaykit to capture the screen of the application |
►CMCAudioFrame | |
CMCCMSampleBufferFrame | Class responsible for initializing a MCAudioFrame from a CMSampleBuffer |
CMCBitrateSettings | The BitrateSettings class allows customizing bitrate settings for publishing streams |
CMCCMSampleBufferVideoRenderer | |
CMCCleanup | The Cleanup class is responsible for cleaning the memory of dynamic objects |
CMCClientOptions | Gathers options for the client |
CMCConnectionOptions | Gathers connection options |
CMCForcePlayoutDelay | |
CMCHTTPConnectionError | |
CMCLogger | Class that is responsible for managing SDK logs |
CMCMedia | Class used for managing media sources |
CMCNdiRenderer | |
CMCPublisher | The Publisher interface is responsible for publishing media to a Millicast stream |
CMCPublisherCredentials | |
►CMCRTSRemoteTrack | |
CMCRTSRemoteAudioTrack | The RTS logical track's audio interface |
CMCRTSRemoteVideoTrack | The RTS logical track's video interface |
CMCRTSRemoteTrackLayer | Represents an layer entry in the layers event received by the media server |
CMCRTSRemoteTrackLayers | |
CMCRTSRemoteVideoTrackLayer | |
CMCRTSRemoteVideoTrackLayerResolution | Represents resolution of a video frame |
CMCSignalingError | |
►CMCSource | Gathers information about the source |
CMCAudioPlayback | |
CMCAudioSource | Manages the audio capture functionality |
CMCCoreVideoSource | A Source that allows applications to feed their own raw CVPixelBuffers for publishing |
CMCCustomAudioSource | A custom audio source that can be fed any raw audio data for publishing |
CMCVideoSource | Responsible for managing video sources |
►CMCSourceBuilder | Responsible for building a source object |
CMCAudioPlaybackBuilder | Responsible for building AudioPlayback |
CMCAudioSourceBuilder | Responsible for building AudioSource |
CMCCoreVideoSourceBuilder | Responsible for building a CoreVideoSource |
CMCCustomAudioSourceBuilder | Responsible for building MCCustomAudioSource |
CMCVideoSourceBuilder | Responsible for building a video source object |
►CMCStats | A container of various different stats. To make sense of such statistics, please refer to the WebRTC standard |
CMCCodecsStats | Gathers audio/video codec statistics |
CMCIceCandidatePairStats | Stastistics representing an ice candidate pair |
►CMCMediaSourceStats | Gathers statistics details |
CMCAudioSourceStats | Stastistics representing an audio track that is attached to one or more senders |
CMCVideoSourceStats | Statistics representing a video track that is attached to one or more senders |
►CMCRtpStreamStats | Statistics for an RTP stream |
►CMCReceivedRtpStreamStats | Statistical information about an incoming RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) stream |
CMCInboundRtpStreamStats | Statistics for an inbound RTP stream |
CMCRemoteInboundRtpStreamStats | Statistics about an incoming remote RTP stream |
►CMCSentRtpStreamStats | Statistics related to an outgoing RTP stream |
CMCOutboundRtpStreamStats | Statistics about the outbound RTP streams |
CMCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats | Statistics related to an outgoing remote RTP stream |
CMCStatsReport | Interface is a container for various different statistics |
CMCStreamDetails | |
CMCStreamPublishDetails | |
CMCStreamStoppedEvent | |
CMCStreamViewDetails | |
CMCSubscriber | The Subscriber class manages the subscription to audio and video tracks from the Millicast platform |
CMCSubscriberCredentials | |
►CMCTrack | Represents a captured instance of a media source |
CMCAudioTrack | Manages and plays a single audio resource |
CMCVideoTrack | Responsible for managing video capture session from a video source |
CMCVideoCapabilities | This VideoCapabilities class represents the video capabilities of a video track |
CMCVideoFrameImpl | The MCVideoFrameImpl interface provides capabilities for handling and processing video frame data |
►CMCWebrtcRemoteTrack | |
CMCWebrtcRemoteAudioTrack | The webrtc logical track's audio interface |
CMCWebrtcRemoteVideoTrack | The webrtc logical track's video interface |
►C<NSObject> | |
C<MCAcceleratedVideoRendererDelegate> | Protocol that allows subscribing to callbacks that inform about rendering video frame size changes |
C<MCAudioRenderer> | |
C<MCLoggerDelegate> | Delegate that receives events from MCLogger |
►C<MCVideoFrame> | |
CMCVideoFrameImpl | The MCVideoFrameImpl interface provides capabilities for handling and processing video frame data |
►C<MCVideoRenderer> | |
CMCAcceleratedVideoRenderer | |
CMCCMSampleBufferVideoRenderer | |
CMCNdiRenderer | |
C<MCWebrtcRemoteTrackDelegate> | A delegate to receive remote track related events |
►C<PlaybackSource> | Responsible for managing playback devices |
CMCAudioPlayback | |
►C<NSObjectMCDelegate> | |
C<MCSubscriberDelegate> | |
►C<NSObjectNSObject> | |
►C<CaptureSource> | Manages the process of capturing the source by input sources, such as a microphone or a camera |
CMCAudioSource | Manages the audio capture functionality |
CMCVideoSource | Responsible for managing video sources |
►C<MCDelegate> | |
C<MCPublisherDelegate> | |
C<MCRTSRemoteTrackDelegate> | A delegate to receive remote track related events |
Cmillicast::Client::PeerConnectionState | This event describes the current state of the Peer Connection |
Cmillicast::Promise< T > | |
Cmillicast::detail::PromiseImpl< T > | |
Cmillicast::detail::PromiseResultCbType< T > | |
Cmillicast::detail::PromiseResultCbType< void > | |
Cmillicast::PublisherCredentials | The Credentials struct represent the credentials need to be able to connect and publish to a Millicast stream |
►Cmillicast::Renderer | The Renderer base class. A renderer is used to render video on screen or render audio |
►Cmillicast::VideoRenderer | The VideoRenderer class Inherits this class to receive video frames and render them in your application |
CPrivateVideoRenderer | Responsible for handling and rendering video data in a private manner |
Cmillicast::DeckLinkRenderer | Used to render video on a DeckLink device |
Cmillicast::NdiRenderer | Used to render video as an ndi source |
Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack::Layers::Resolution | Represents resolution of a video frame |
►Cmillicast::RtsRemoteTrack | |
Cmillicast::RtsRemoteAudioTrack | |
Cmillicast::RtsRemoteVideoTrack | |
Cmillicast::Viewer::RtsTrackAdded | |
►Cstd::runtime_error | |
Cmillicast::Exception | |
►Cmillicast::SeiMessage | A common interface class that can be used as a container for Sei Messages |
Cmillicast::SeiPicTiming | This class is just a shell, it is currently not functional. It represents SEI Pic timing timecode messages as specified by the H264 standard |
Cmillicast::SeiUserUnregisteredData | Holds a User Data Unregistered Sei message |
Cmillicast::Client::SignalingError | The Signaling Error event is emitted when a message attempted to be sent on the signaling channel is rejected |
►Cmillicast::Source | The Source base class |
Cmillicast::AudioPlayback | The AudioPlayback class |
Cmillicast::AudioSource | The AudioSource class |
Cmillicast::CustomAudioSource | |
Cmillicast::CustomVideoSource | |
Cmillicast::VideoSource | The VideoSource class |
►Cmillicast::Source::SourceInformation | |
Cmillicast::AudioPlayback::Builder | The Builder struct to build an AudioPlayback |
Cmillicast::AudioSource::Builder | The Builder struct to build an audio source |
Cmillicast::CustomAudioSource::Builder | Builder struct to create a CustomSource |
Cmillicast::CustomVideoSource::Builder | Builder struct to create a CustomVideoSource |
Cmillicast::VideoSource::Builder | The Builder struct to build a video source |
Cmillicast::Span< T > | |
►Cmillicast::rtcstats::Stats | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::Codecs | |
►Cmillicast::rtcstats::MediaSource | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::AudioSource | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::VideoSource | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::RTCIceCandidatePair | |
►Cmillicast::rtcstats::RtpStream | |
►Cmillicast::rtcstats::ReceivedRtpStream | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::InboundRtpStream | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::RemoteInboundRtpStream | |
►Cmillicast::rtcstats::SentRtpStream | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::OutboundRtpStream | |
Cmillicast::rtcstats::RemoteOutboundRtpStream | |
Cmillicast::Client::StatsEvent | The Stats Event that is emitted by the SDK containing the stats report. The stats provide insight into the incoming/audio media and rtp data |
Cmillicast::StatsReport | |
Cmillicast::StreamPublishDetails | General information about the current publishing session session |
Cmillicast::Viewer::StreamStopped | The Stream Stopped event is emitted when the viewer has requested to disconnect from the media server via the "unview" command |
Cmillicast::StreamViewDetails | General information about the current viewing session |
Cmillicast::SeiPicTiming::TimeCode | Struture describing the time code passed in SeiMessage |
►Cmillicast::Track | Represent a media sources |
Cmillicast::AudioTrack | The AudioTrack class |
Cmillicast::VideoTrack | The VideoTrack class |
Cmillicast::TrackInfo | Useful informations about the available tracks in the media server. These informations are received in the active event of the Viewer |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Cmillicast::detail::is_container_element_type_compatible< T, E, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< decltype(std::data(std::declval< T >()))>::type, void >::value &&std::is_convertible< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().data())>(*)[], E(*)[]>::value >::type > | |
Cstd::is_error_condition_enum< millicast::AsyncOperationCancelled::Value > | |
Cstd::is_error_condition_enum< millicast::GenericError::Value > | |
Cmillicast::VideoCapabilities | The VideoCapabilities struct |
Cmillicast::VideoFrame | Used to described a VideoFrame |
Cmillicast::Client::ViewerCount | The Viewer Count event emitted by the SDK when the number of viewers for a stream changes |
Cmillicast::ViewerCredentials | The ViewerCredentials struct represent the credentials need to be able to connect and subscribe to a Millicast stream |
►Cmillicast::WebrtcRemoteTrack | |
Cmillicast::WebrtcRemoteAudioTrack | |
Cmillicast::WebrtcRemoteVideoTrack | |
Cmillicast::Client::WebsocketState | This event describes the current state of the websocket |